Wednesday, November 11, 2015

10-Week Challenge - Week 9

Pep Talk 

We are in the home stretch of the 10-Week Challenge.  Thanksgiving is coming, so now is the best time to refocus on your health and fitness goals.  Earn that turkey dinner!

Here are your goals for this week.  It is a little more challenging for our final push, but I know you can do it!  Additions are marked in BOLD text.
  1. Complete 3 40-60 minute workouts this week.  
  2. Complete 1 30-minute workout this week.
  3. Plan and eat a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks each day.  Limit your takeout to 1 time this week.
  4. Reserve one meal this week for a "treat" meal.  It can be any meal -- Friday pizza night, Sunday brunch, Tuesday work lunch, etc.  Just make sure to get back on track afterwards.
  5. If you slip up, get right back on track with your next MEAL, not the next day.

Challenge Workout

Complete the following exercises for 60 seconds each, taking breaks as needed:
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Lying Leg Scissors
  • Oblique Mountain Climbers
  • Crunches
  • Side Plank (30 seconds left, 30 seconds right)
  • Lying Toe Touches
  • Plank
  • Reverse Crunches