Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10-Week Challenge - Week 6

Pep Talk 

This week, you will notice a change in your workout structure.  You will be asked to complete THREE challenging workouts starting this week, and reduce your quickie workout to once a week.  YOU CAN DO THIS!  Each week has built on the previous week to bring you to this point.

Also, just because you missed the first few weeks of the challenge does not mean you can't get started NOW!  Not tomorrow.  TODAY!  Either jump in this week, or search through the old blogs from the past few weeks and start at Week 1.  This is a great time of the year to focus on your fitness!

Here are your goals for this week.  Additions are marked in BOLD text.

  1. Complete 3 40-60 minute workouts this week.  
  2. Complete 1 quicker or less intense workout (i.e. Challenge Workout below, walking, quick 1-mile jog).
  3. Plan and eat a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks each day.  Limit your takeout to 2 times this week.
  4. Reserve two meals this week for "treat" meals.  They can be any meals -- Friday pizza night, Sunday brunch, Tuesday work lunch, etc.  Just make sure to get back on track afterwards.
  5. If you slip up, get right back on track with your next MEAL, not the next day.
Keep focused!  And don't be afraid to reach out to friends, trainers, or family members for accountability.  We are all here to help you!

Challenge Workout

Perform the following exercises for 60 seconds each, taking breaks as needed:
  • Wide-Hand Pushups
  • Sumo Squats
  • Lying Leg Scissors
  • Regular Pushups
  • Regular Squats
  • Crunches
  • Diamond Pushups
  • Chair Pose
  • Reverse Crunches