Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10-Week Challenge - Week 7

Pep Talk 

We are approaching the final few weeks of the challenge.  Now is the time to check in with yourself and see how you are doing.  Are things slipping?  If so, use this week to refocus and get back on track!  Today is a new day and a new opportunity to take control of your life.  You can make the next minute, hour, day, and week better by making smart food choices and getting regular exercise.

Always try to work towards FEELING good.  Don't worry about the scale.  If you are FEELING good, that usually means you are eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep.  Then everything else will fall into place.

This type of change is not an overnight thing.  There are hurdles along the way, and you might find yourself back-pedaling at times.  It is not about being perfect 100% of the time.  The key to success is getting back on track 100% of the time when you do slip up.

Here are your goals for this week.  Additions are marked in BOLD text.

  1. Complete 3 40-60 minute workouts this week.  
  2. Complete 1 quicker or less intense workout (i.e. Challenge Workout below, walking, quick 1-mile jog).
  3. Plan and eat a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks each day.  Limit your takeout to 1 time this week.
  4. Reserve two meals this week for "treat" meals.  They can be any meals -- Friday pizza night, Sunday brunch, Tuesday work lunch, etc.  Just make sure to get back on track afterwards.
  5. If you slip up, get right back on track with your next MEAL, not the next day.
Keep focused!  And don't be afraid to reach out to friends, trainers, or family members for accountability.  We are all here to help you!

Challenge Workout

Perform 5 rounds of the following exercises as quickly as possible, taking breaks as needed:
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (each leg = 1/2 rep)
  • 20 Jump Squats
  • 20 Russian Twists (each side = 1/2 rep)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10-Week Challenge - Week 6

Pep Talk 

This week, you will notice a change in your workout structure.  You will be asked to complete THREE challenging workouts starting this week, and reduce your quickie workout to once a week.  YOU CAN DO THIS!  Each week has built on the previous week to bring you to this point.

Also, just because you missed the first few weeks of the challenge does not mean you can't get started NOW!  Not tomorrow.  TODAY!  Either jump in this week, or search through the old blogs from the past few weeks and start at Week 1.  This is a great time of the year to focus on your fitness!

Here are your goals for this week.  Additions are marked in BOLD text.

  1. Complete 3 40-60 minute workouts this week.  
  2. Complete 1 quicker or less intense workout (i.e. Challenge Workout below, walking, quick 1-mile jog).
  3. Plan and eat a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks each day.  Limit your takeout to 2 times this week.
  4. Reserve two meals this week for "treat" meals.  They can be any meals -- Friday pizza night, Sunday brunch, Tuesday work lunch, etc.  Just make sure to get back on track afterwards.
  5. If you slip up, get right back on track with your next MEAL, not the next day.
Keep focused!  And don't be afraid to reach out to friends, trainers, or family members for accountability.  We are all here to help you!

Challenge Workout

Perform the following exercises for 60 seconds each, taking breaks as needed:
  • Wide-Hand Pushups
  • Sumo Squats
  • Lying Leg Scissors
  • Regular Pushups
  • Regular Squats
  • Crunches
  • Diamond Pushups
  • Chair Pose
  • Reverse Crunches

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10-Week Challenge - Week 5

Pep Talk

We have reached the halfway point of the 10-Week Challenge!  Hopefully you are realizing that it is not about making big dramatic changes to your lifestyle -- it is about introducing small, manageable things that you can maintain over the long term.  

Consistency trumps temporary hard effort every single time.  Stick with the plan and you will be successful!

Here are your goals for this week.  Again, they are very similar to last week, but additions are marked in BOLD text.

  1. Complete 4 workouts this week.  
    1. Two workouts should be ANYTHING at least 40 minutes long.
    2. Two workouts should be quicker workouts, walking, or anything else you can sneak in.  Yes, they can be longer too.  But the point is to get in 4 workouts total by any means necessary!  Something is always better than nothing.
  2. Plan and eat a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks each day.  Limit your takeout to 2 times this week.
  3. Prepare an easy one-pot meal that you can use as both dinner and for future lunches using the leftovers.  Some great ideas are chili, soup, stew, or anything in a crock pot!
  4. Reserve two meals this week for "treat" meals.  They can be any meals -- Friday pizza night, Sunday brunch, Tuesday work lunch, etc.  Just make sure to get back on track afterwards.
  5. If you slip up, get right back on track with your next MEAL, not the next day.

Challenge Workout

Perform the following exercises as quickly as possible, taking breaks as needed:
  • 60 seconds Plank
  • 60 seconds Squats
  • 45 seconds Plank
  • 45 seconds Squats
  • 30 seconds Pushups
  • 30 seconds Jump Squats
  • 15 seconds Pushups
  • 15 seconds Jump Squats

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

10-Week Challenge - Week 4

Pep Talk

It's Week 4 of the 10-Week Challenge.  We are almost halfway there!  These little changes are what will make a difference in your success.  Remember that this involves commitment, and sometimes you need to put yourself first in order to be a better, stronger, and healthier person for others.

Here are your goals for this week.  Again, they are very similar to last week, but additions are marked in BOLD text.

  1. Complete 4 workouts this week.  
    1. Two workouts should be ANYTHING at least 40 minutes long.
    2. Two workouts should be quicker workouts, walking, or anything else you can sneak in.  Yes, they can be longer too.  But the point is to get in 4 workouts total by any means necessary!  Something is always better than nothing.
  2. Plan and eat a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks each day.  Limit your takeout to 2 times this week.
  3. Reserve two meals this week for "treat" meals.  They can be any meals -- Friday pizza night, Sunday brunch, Tuesday work lunch, etc.  Just make sure to get back on track afterwards.
  4. If you slip up, get right back on track with your next MEAL, not the next day.
You've got this!

Challenge Workout

Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises, taking breaks as needed:
  • 20 Windshield Wipers (lay down on your back and raise your legs up towards the ceiling; drop your feet down to one side at a 45 degree angle to the floor, then to the other side; each side counts as 1/2 a rep, both sides count as 1 rep) 
  • 20 Triceps Pushups (knees or feet)
  • 20 Lunges (each leg is 1/2 a rep, both legs are 1 rep)