Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Get Your...SELF Together

Pep Talk

Confession time -- this post is just as much for me as it is for you.  Another confession -- yes, I AM a fitness trainer, but I am also human.  Fitness and health decisions don't come easily for me just because it's my job.  I have been where you are.  I would rather eat ice cream than broccoli.  I struggle with workouts sometimes -- there are days when I just don't want to do them!  For those of you who don't believe me, here's what I used to look like before I discovered fitness.

I find myself now, post-Ironman, struggling to resume a normal fitness schedule.  Partially because, well, I'm just friggin' tired and still, believe it or not, recovering.  And partially because when you take a break from your normal routine, it's very, very hard to restart.

Since it's summertime and vacations, back-to-school prep, and family events seem to be interfering with normal routines, I thought it'd be helpful to talk about getting back into a normal routine.  I'll even discuss what's been tripping me up and what I'm doing to fix it.

The golden rule:  DO NOT GIVE UP!  If something is not working, it's not because YOU can't make it work.  It's because you need to make a change to make IT work for YOU.  If you slip, dust yourself off, modify, and try again.

I've had a few false starts back into the swing of things because my fitness plan was too ambitious to ease into.  I was trying to pick up where I left off, so to speak.  But my body isn't ready yet.  So I've gotten back on track this week by cutting down my workouts into small, manageable sessions that I can easily fit into my schedule.

Here are some tips for jump-starting back into your routine:
  1. Keep it simple -- even starting with things like walking, pushups, squats, or brief at-home workouts can get you on track.
  2. Keep it short -- limit the sessions to 30-40 minutes until you can get back into the habit.
  3. Be realistic -- what can you honestly fit into your schedule?  Even shooting for two workouts per week can be a great start, as long as you do it consistently.
  4. Use willpower -- your vacation brain is going to rebel.  Use willpower and stick to your guns -- force yourself out of bed and do your workout!
  5. Plan your workouts ahead -- book them just like appointments in your calendar and follow through with them.
  6. Bounce right back if you slip -- if you have a hiccup, get right back on track with the next workout or meal.  No slipping backwards into your vacation routine!
Just remember that fitness is a long-term process.  Stay focused on your goals and you will get there through consistency and hard work!

Challenge Workout

Core Bonus!  Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises, taking breaks as needed:
  • 15 Mountain Climbers (each leg = 1/2 rep; both legs = 1 rep)
  • 15 Russian Twists (seated with legs down or up, twist your hands from one hip to the other -- each side = 1/2 rep; both sides = 1 rep)
  • 30 Crunches