Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Everything in Balance

Pep Talk

The key to any successful, long-term health and fitness plan is consistency.  But how do we achieve consistency?  Through BALANCE.

Example: we've all been through those diet or workout programs that guarantee success in 30, 60, or 90 days.  But usually, they are so aggressive that we are climbing at the walls, waiting for them to end so that we can go back to the way things were before.  Does this sound like an effective long-term strategy?  Of course not.  In fact, this is the definition of yo-yo dieting!

Balance is achieved through setting realistic expectations.  That way, you are setting yourself up for long-term success, not failure.  Is it realistic to work out seven days a week if you are working 60 hours a week and have three kids?  Probably not.  Find out what you CAN do, even if it is only two workouts per week.  Things that you can maintain long-term are always better than short-term bursts of intensity.

Find things you enjoy, like walking, hiking, kayaking, or other non-traditional forms of exercise.  These are great ways to stay active when you can't get to the gym, or if you absolutely hate formal exercise.

Also, build in some "you" time, which is very important.  Time with a book or watching a favorite show.  It's all about balance!

That goes for your food too.  If you KNOW you will never be able to give up chocolate chip cookies, then any meal plan that restricts them entirely is setting you up for failure.  Budget them into your daily or weekly calories just like you would balance your checkbook.  I've preached about 80/20 before, and it's so true -- eat healthy 80% of the time, and you can afford to splurge the other 20% on your favorite things.  It's healthier than yo-yo'ing, and you'll be much happier!

It is so easy to focus on the short term (i.e. that pizza we just ate) and lose our focus on the big picture.  While little decisions do add up, what you do MOST of the time is more important than what you do RARELY.  Keep everything in balance and you will find your health and fitness journey much more effective and enjoyable.

Challenge Workout

Complete 5 rounds of the following, taking breaks as needed:
  • 5 Triceps Pushups
  • 10 In and Outs (seated on floor, tuck the knees to your chest, and then extend them)
  • 20 Sumo Squats