Hey Girl Fighters! Do you feel sluggish, unmotivated, or depressed due to winter weather? Are these feelings heightened among the ongoing pandemic and the certainty of the future? You’re not alone. We’ve researched and found some tips and tricks we’d like to share to help combat some of these commonly experienced symptoms!
1. Write Down Daily Activities
When there’s not much to do because of continued pandemic related restrictions, some days can be a blur. You may ask, “What did I do today?”, as one day appears to look like the previous one. We recommend writing down what you do each day, as sometimes even small accomplishments can help you maintain a positive attitude. Did you clean out the fridge or finally tackle that pile of clothes in the closet? It counts! This may help you find gratitude in the small things that we typically see as a “chore” that “needs” to be done.
One of our trainers says they color code their planner to easily show how balanced their day was! For example:
Pink –
Orange – TV Show/Movie
Yellow – Fun
– Fitness
Blue –
- Meals
2. Do You Work From Home? Get Up and Get Outside!
Westfall, a Forbes contributor, reported that a recent study showed 75% of workers in the United States have struggled mentally while working from home. Our recommendation would be to make sure to get up and move around for a bit every hour. It can be easy to get stuck in your chair especially when there is a lot to get done.
Another tip would be to go outside for a minute or two on your deck, porch or lawn. It can be hard to get yourself to do this during the winter, but Sowa, MD, PHD, reports that nature can decrease blood pressure, heart rate, and as a result, anxiety/depression. Keeping a coat, a hat, and some gloves near the door can encourage you to get out for a couple of minutes when you need it most!
3. Find
What You Like To Do
4. Exercise
More Often (even for small bits of time)
Can’t make it to your favorite Girl Fight
Fitness class that day? Don’t let that stop you from getting a small workout
in. Take 10-15 minutes and do some squats, sit-ups, or pushups. While you crave
the individualized attention that your trainers give you during class, short
self-guided workouts like this will help keep you motivated to show up for
those longer workouts. According to Harvard
Health Publishing, regular exercise assists the hippocampus to
become larger, and therefore, more equipped in helping us balance our emotions.
Doesn’t that sound great?
Stay balanced and healthy!
*This blog is meant to provide tips on helping reduce feelings
of stress from an exercise standpoint and is not a medical diagnosis/treatment
in any manner. If you require help from clinically trained staff, please
contact your physician or local hotline for assistance.