Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer BBQ Survival Guide

Pep Talk

Summer is here, and that means lots of BBQs!  It seems like every weekend -- and sometimes multiple times in one weekend -- we are either invited to or hosting a party of some kind, with lots of decadent food and celebratory drinks.  With that in mind, it is easy to see our health and fitness goals sabotaged by social gatherings.

But that doesn't mean you have to abstain from going to parties or joining in the festivities.  Here are some strategies for balancing your healthy lifestyle with summertime fun:
  • Plan your week for your party.  If you know on Saturday that you are going to a BBQ, make sure you are good all week.  Eat healthy, drink lots of water, and get your workouts in.  "Prepare" for your weekend fun.
  • Plan your day after.  What are you going to do the next day to get back on track?  Make sure you don't let one day of off-plan eating turn into several days.
  • Offer to bring a healthy side dish to complement the unhealthy party foods.  Some good choices are a 3-bean salad with vinaigrette, fresh fruit salad, fresh vegetable platters, or a tossed green salad.
  • On the day of the party, eat your normal healthy meals right up until the party.  Don't use it as an excuse to pig out all day.  If you can, get in a workout that morning.
  • Take TWO trips to the buffet:
    • On the first trip, fill your plate with only fruit and vegetables.  This will not only help to fill you up, but it will also make sure you get in some nutritious food.
    • Once you have finished that, go back and fill your plate with whatever food you want.  Focus on your favorite foods only, rather than trying everything on the table.  
    • Only fill the plate with one layer -- no stacking or mounding.  Make sure your portions are reasonable. 
    • Stop eating when you're full, even if it means throwing away anything remaining on your plate.  Avoid the temptation to "pig out" with several trips to the buffet.  Remember how bloated and uncomfortable you will feel afterwards.
  • If you are drinking alcohol, remember to follow every alcoholic drink with one glass of water.  Alcohol will dehydrate you, and dehydration leads to bloating.  Keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water!
  • Offer to be the driver to the party.  That way, you will be sure to keep your drinking in check and not go overboard.
  • Politely decline taking home leftovers.  If they're in the house, you will eat them!
  • If you have two parties in one weekend, pick one to stray a little bit and indulge, and be good at the other one.  (Pick the one that is likely to have better food for having your fun.)
  • Remember that indulging once in a while is part of staying on track long-term.  Have your fun, and then get right back on track the next day with a good workout and healthy eating.

Challenge Workout

Complete the following exercises as quickly as possible, taking breaks as needed:
  • 30 Pushups
  • 30 Crunches
  • 20 Pushups
  • 20 Crunches
  • 10 Pushups
  • 10 Crunches
  • 60 seconds of Pushups - as many as possible
  • 60 seconds of Crunches - as many as possible