Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Find Your Support System

Pep Talk

I don't care how independent you are -- EVERYONE, at one time or another, needs a support system.  Willpower alone is only so strong.  There will be times when you question your healthy lifestyle choices, your fitness plan, or the direction of your life in general. These are the times when it helps to turn to people in your life who can confirm that you are on the right track and help you stay focused.

Friends are a natural choice to keep you motivated.  Finding like-minded friends with similar goals can provide you with training buddies and sounding boards when things get tough.  Make workout appointments and use them as an opportunity to catch up.  The workout time will fly, and you will be more likely to follow through because someone else is waiting for you.

Support at home can be critical to your success.  Make sure that your family understands why your health and fitness are important.  You can be a healthier and happier person for them if you spend a little time a few days a week taking care of yourself.  This will help get them on board for helping out with chores so you have a little time to work out, or will help them adapt to a healthier dinner menu.  Explain the "why" to them and you may be surprised how supportive they can be!

Trainers and Coaches
If you are really struggling with commitment, it can be an awesome idea to get a trainer or coach.  Even a class instructor can keep you accountable to your goals.  Don't be afraid to ask for a little push from us to make sure you stay engaged -- that's why we're here!  If you are stuck in a rut, try out a new fitness class or training program.

Ask for Help Before You Need It
As much as we try, we can't always be superheroes and juggle everything.  If you feel the pressure of life causing you to slip, catch it before it happens and reach out to your support system.  A little positive nudge from those important people in your life can make a huge difference in sticking with your goals!

Challenge Workout

Complete 10 reps of each exercise, then 9, then 8...all the way down to 1 rep, taking breaks as needed:
  • Pushups (on even numbers, do Wide Pushups; on odd numbers, do Triceps Pushups)
  • Lunges (each leg = 1/2 rep; both legs = 1 rep)